Frozen: Anna and Elsa’s Complicated Relationship

As I am currently watching the second time through Frozen, I realized that the quality of this movie makes it great for blogging. There are a lot of themes all floating around the main ideas. It also has really good music. This is the first blog on the movie Frozen with more possibly coming. There are spoilers here so if you haven’t seen it, stop here and go watch it, if you have- start reading.

Anna and Elsa have an interesting relationship in the movie Frozen. They start off as the best of friends at a young age, but suddenly they are forced to split up (due to the force sequestration of Elsa). This causes a strain on their relationship that results in not understanding each other when they see each other again. Elsa and Anna still love each other, but neither of them know the circumstances of the other person. This results in conflict that effects everyone surrounding them.

Anna attempts to utilize the open doors and walk into Elsa’s life. However, Elsa is not ready for that because she is afraid she will hurt Anna once more. It’s quite similar to when someone has hurt another person and even though that person has forgive themselves, they refuse to forgive themselves. So Elsa, living in fear of the possible negative actions of her power, runs away. She turns a “cold shoulder” to the people she knows and loves and runs to the mountains to hide from the possible people.

It’s a great example of what we often do. Instead of taking chances, we run from the problem and hide ourselves from people that we could hurt. Notice, that no matter what Anna says, Elsa will not listen and shuts her out. This action ends up being what hurts Anna. Anna’s pain comes from this and the Elsa is captured and carried to jail (as one can not be truly free when they can’t forgive themselves).

In the end though, this is a story of forgiveness and love, of which can overcome the pain and hurt that is happening. Elsa sees a selfless act from Anna and it causes her to finally realize that she can forgive herself. When this happens, the discomfort everyone has is lifted (the cold), and Elsa forgives herself, the entrapment is over. Elsa is finally free to be who she is and live amongst everyone else. The act of forgiving herself allowed her to love again, and that love is what brought summer back to all of Erondale.

The lesson here is to not allow you to beat yourself up over things that have happened in the past. Sometimes you just have to “Let It Go” and move forward. No matter how many people forgive you, you have to forgive yourself to truly be free.