Monthly Archives: February 2013

Bipartite Nature of Our Government System

Tonight, as I observed the State of the Union address while working on homework, a few things that I had been noticing earlier were clearly observant. Many people think our government has problems and I would tend to agree most of the time. The problem is we want to blame one side or the other,…

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DON’T Give Up, DON’T Ever Give Up

“we are starting the Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research. And it’s motto is ‘Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.’ That’s what I’m going to try to do every minute that I have left. I will thank God for the day and the moment I have. If you see me, smile and give me…

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National Signing Day : College in our Culture

Today is the day. Over the last year, older well privileged have scouted and scoured the training of teenagers. They have analyzed every little strength and weakness to the point of knowing exactly what each person is capable of. They have gone through and spoke with them and discussed the possibilities of the future. Now they…

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DONT Be a Bad Tipper

A few days back I came across this post on Reddit. It’s a picture of a receipt from an Applebee’s by a waitress (the poster was actually not the waitress stiffed by this Pastor). Immediately on seeing it, I realized one thing that we should not do: DON’T Be a Bad Tipper Being a bad tipper has…

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Don’t Assume “It’ll Work for You”

So, a couple of days ago I am scouring the internet getting ready for the Super…. I mean the Big Game. I come across this story about Colin Kaepernick (who I mysteriously can’t read enough about) done by Rick Reilly (who I’ve read too much by).  SOURCE: So, this article is basically saying, “Colin Kaepernick…

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